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EcoFlow River 2 Max (512Wh) 大容量流動電源

EcoFlow River 2 Max (512Wh) 大容量流動電源

AC輸出:2 x 500W / Surge:1000W
完全充電時間:60 mins

全店,澳門地區買滿HK$500即享免運費 [非會員]

全店,香港地區登記會員買滿250即享免運費, 非會員買滿HK$500即享免運費

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數量 組合數量
一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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✅ 高速的X-Stream閃電快充技術,60分鐘充100%
✅ 可直接使用USB Type-C進行PD充電
✅ 支援X-Boost驅動功能,可驅動大部份電器
✅ 使用磷酸鐵鋰電池(LFP),更長壽更安全
✅ RIVER 2 MAX 擁有3年行貨保養


RIVER 2 Max 超越行業充電速度標準,僅需 60 分鐘即可充滿電。 這比市場上其他便攜式電站快 5 倍,比前幾代快 38%。 收拾行裝時為 RIVER 2 Max 充滿電,這樣您就可以隨時為最後一刻的旅行做好準備。

安全,可使用長達 10 年。

以經過升級的持久 LFP 電池化學為核心,RIVER 2 系列可充電和排空超過 3000 次。 這幾乎是 10 年的日常使用時間1,比行業平均水平長 6 倍。 RIVER 2 系列採用 LFP 電池,即使在溫暖的溫度下也安全、耐用且高效。


我們最先進的電池管理系統 (BMS) 持續監控 RIVER 2 系列的電壓、電流和溫度,並提供多方面的保護,最大限度地延長其使用壽命。

4 種充電方式隨時隨地充電。

RIVER 2 系列有 4 種不同的充值方式,無論如何都有充值選項。 從快速交流電到旅途中的車內充電。

為什麼不在露營或旅行時利用可再生能源呢? 插入幾塊便攜式太陽能電池板,即可在最快 3 小時內完成離網充電。

X-Boost 高達 1000W

小尺寸。 大功率。

RIVER 2 Max 的交流輸出功率高達 500W。 需要為真空吸塵器或三明治機供電嗎? 使用 X-Boost 模式將其調高至 1000W,以運行多達 80% 的基本電器。

重量輕,僅 6 公斤

憑藉緊湊的便攜式設計,讓旅行友好的離網電源從未如此簡單。 RIVER 2 Max 重量輕,比上一代產品輕 22%,可以為您的所有戶外活動提供動力,從野外探險到海灘燒烤。

<30ms EPS 自動切換


切換速度不到 30 毫秒,您甚至不會知道電源已關閉。 使用 RIVER 2 系列作為夜間斷電的應急電源,以保持從 CPAP 機器到魚缸的必需品運行。



使用 EcoFlow 應用程序來控制和監控 RIVER 2 系列,即使是在遠處。 查看充電水平、自定義設置和調整充電速度,所有這些都可以通過您的手機方便地完成

Capacity ‎512 Watt Hours
Item Weight 13.4 Pounds
Input Voltage ‎100-120 Volts AC
Product Dimensions 10.6″L x 510.2″W x 7.7″H
Battery Type Lithium iron phosphate
Model Name EcoFlow River 2 Max
AC Output Wattage 500 Watts, 1,000 Watts Surge
Car Power Output 126 Watts
DC 5521 Output 2x 13.6V 3A
USB-A 12 watts
USB-C 100 watts
Solar Input 11-50 Volts, 220 Watts
Car Charging 12 volts and 24 volts 10A
AC Charging 100-120 Volts 10A

EcoFlow Application

The setup was refreshingly simple. After opening (or downloading) the app and signing in, then standing next to the River 2 Max, the App discovered and prompted me to add the unit.

Next, you can select your Wi-Fi network or setup the unit to work without internet connectivity, and from there, that was it; Setup was complete and I could view and manage the River 2 Max.

The settings available include:

  • A custom name for the device.
  • AC Charging Rate adjustable form 50w to 660w.
  • Car Input, 4A, 6A and 8A.
  • Forcing the DC Mode between Solar charging, Car charging, and Auto.
  • Toggle of the X-Boost to enable surge capability.
  • Setting Charge and Discharge Limits.
  • Unit, Power, and Screen timeout times.

EcoFlow River 2 Max Field Testing

In the field, the River 2 Max was a great addition to the workflow. I took the power station out for a night of astrophotography education at a school-sponsored event, and it was able to power a telescope, a 65″ LED TV, two laptops(which were fully charged prior to starting), and charged a few phones with power to spare for the 4-hour duration of the event. Its sleek design was much appreciated when packing up the not-insignificant amount of gear in the back of the SUV and was easy to find a spot to put it and stack other items on top of it.

Closing Thoughts

The EcoFlow River 2 Max is a welcome evolution of the product line. The updated battery chemistry and a plethora of features make the River series a solid choice for those in search of an outdoor and travel-focused power station. It performed as expected and lived up to the EcoFlow reputation for a solid product. With the River 2 line moving to the LFP battery chemistry, and the implications that has for longevity, it makes a strong case to be in my lineup of portable power stations.



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